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Ella Barton’s old tweets are exactly as hilarious as you think...
Modified date: March 28, 2016
Seth Bell & Kristy Diaz spotted together … “We never broke-up!”
Modified date: March 28, 2016
Bonnie Terry is still perfect … be first to see her...
Modified date: March 27, 2016
Jack Reed and his new toy … This is his 9th...
Modified date: March 26, 2016
These adorable pics of Rebecca Perez’s kids will brighten your day!
Modified date: March 26, 2016
Tonya Fisher has postponed her wedding so she can focus on...
Modified date: March 24, 2016
Celebrities send birthday wishes to Peter Young on their Facebook
Modified date: March 24, 2016
Nancy Cooper’s gorgeous photos for the latest Trendy magazine
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Beverly Diaz celebrates her son’s birthday with her ex-husband
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Holly Barker adjusting to life with daughter … “I didn’t sleep...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Janie Blake’s lookalike steals the spotlight at the Fashion Awards
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Eddy Vanhoose ’s latest tattoo is a show of solidarity with...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Larry Taylor steps out with his new girlfriend for the first...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Jamie Martin and Tracy Owens kiss on the beach in new...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Is Ashley Keller heading for divorce? … her boyfriend hints so
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Want to play Basketblass with Carl Reed? … It’ll cost you...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Annette Lowe does yoga in the Maldives … I’m born again!
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Ty Arreola’s new song proves He Knows what you think of...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Alice Evans just dethroned her friend Kara Baker in fans ranking
Modified date: March 23, 2016
All these award shows drive me really crazy, says Sara Bowen
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Jack Alvarado being sued by his landlord for damage to the...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Did you know that all these celebs dropped out of college?
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Aiko Mori rides her bike in 1000$ dress … Like the...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Everyone can learn something from Clifford Mcgee’s quotes
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Did Ella Fleming really punch a photographer at Music Awards?
Modified date: March 23, 2016
10 celebs who’ve had hilarious responses to inaccurate news stories
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Tina Howard reveals the emotional struggle behind her performance
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Kelvin Dean tells his Twitter account has been hacked … Was...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Melody Cain sent gifts to the women who liked her Instagram...
Modified date: March 23, 2016
Sheila Meyer struggles to part ways with boyfriend Tom White …...
Modified date: March 22, 2016
Everyone is going crazy about Clara Lyons’ dresses … Are they...
Modified date: March 21, 2016
This is the most popular necklace right now … Our editor...
Modified date: March 21, 2016
Our expert reviews Kerry Tyler’s new spring 2016 collection
Modified date: March 21, 2016
These Brandon Baker’s shoes will make any outfit cool
Modified date: March 21, 2016
Reyes Devine stopped his plane so he could play poker in...
Modified date: March 21, 2016
Jessica Davis shows off herself in her Instagram … We gathered...
Modified date: March 20, 2016
Mary Lewis spent her 25th birthday in Swiss mountains
Modified date: March 18, 2016
Hidden footage or Denise Price freaking out at PETA presentation
Modified date: March 18, 2016
Julie Rogers hosts new fashion show on TV … More in...
Modified date: March 18, 2016
Ralph Wilson’s & Amy Butler’s romantic paradise gateway pics
Modified date: March 18, 2016
David Harris looks nothing like before … See his tranformation!
Modified date: March 18, 2016
Kevin Scott training for his UFC revenge … “I am the...
Modified date: March 18, 2016
Back to school fashion of celeb kids … Grab some outfit...
Modified date: March 18, 2016
Kathy King chosen as top model for Richard Walker’s photo shoot
Modified date: March 18, 2016
Ridiculously expensive headphones by Steve Tyler … Would you spend 499$?
Modified date: March 16, 2016
Kevin Lucas proposes his girlfriend right from the stage
Modified date: March 16, 2016
Check out latest celebrity fashion trends … Are you out of...
Modified date: March 16, 2016
Exclusive! Behind the scenes of the New York fashion show
Modified date: March 15, 2016
Hollywood stars tweet their weekend photos … must see!
Modified date: March 15, 2016
Best videos from world concert tour in one Youtube gallery
Modified date: March 14, 2016
Exclusive set of video interviews from the Best Music Awards
Modified date: March 14, 2016
Billy Moore releases his first solo album after the scandal
Modified date: March 11, 2016
Roxanne Wagner’s daughter is hiding from cameras while at Summer Music...
Modified date: March 9, 2016
What is she wearing?! Lori Cruz looks like a ’90s pop...
Modified date: March 7, 2016
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Mos Ylli Limani dhe Dafina Zeqiri po vijnë me një bashkëpunim?
Modified date: December 1, 2020
Thyerje pjatash, si reguan gjyshërit e Ledrit kur mësuan se Sara ishte shtatzanë
Modified date: November 30, 2020
‘Mos fol pas shpine’, Capital T dhe Ardian Bujupi kapen keq në rrjete sociale
Modified date: November 30, 2020
Diona Fona infektohet me Covid19, këngëtarja apel të kujdesen të gjithë
Modified date: November 30, 2020
Festoi ditëlindjen duke thyer rregullat e izolimit, Rita Ora kërkon falje publike
Modified date: November 30, 2020
Edhe ura e Bosforit ngjyroset kuq e zi për 28 Nëntor
Modified date: November 28, 2020
The Weeknd ankohet i nervozuar se nuk u nominua në Grammy, reagon edhe Ardian Bujupi
Modified date: November 25, 2020
Dua Lipa ja kris të qarës kur merr vesh se është nominuar 6 herë nga Grammy
Modified date: November 25, 2020
Meghan Markle tregon historinë e trishtë, si e humbi fëmijën e dytë
Modified date: November 25, 2020
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Sëmundja po ecën shpejt, aktorja amerikane thotë se i mbetet pak...
Modified date: October 2, 2020
Duket se nuk ka paqe për aktoren e famshme Shannen Doherty. Aktorja amerikane, e njohur për rolin e Brenda-s në serialin “Beverly Hills” është...
Donald Trump dhe Melanie infektohet me virusin korona nga asistentja bukuroshe
Modified date: October 2, 2020
Si të kujdeseni për flokët kur jashtë bie borë
Modified date: February 6, 2020
Lajm i mirë nga Italia, tre shkencëtare arrijnë të izolojnë Coronavirusin
Modified date: February 5, 2020
7 trajtime lëkure që luftojnë rrudhat dhe plakjen
Modified date: February 4, 2020
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Modified date: October 16, 2019
Një vogëlushe 6-vjeçare nga Rusia, e quajtur Alina Yakupova, është cilësuar si vajza më e bukur në botë.6-vjeçarja nga Moska e ka nisur modelimin...
Modified date: October 14, 2019
Mes të ftuarve në një emisionin ishin edhe Bledi Mane dhe Iva Aliko.Gjatë bisedës, nuk munguan ngacmimet e gazetarit për lidhjen e shumëpërfolur të...
Zonja e parë e Kosovës pozon me fustan të gjatë, siç...
Modified date: September 17, 2019
Lumnije Thaçi, bashkëshortja e presidentit të Kosovës kohën e fundit dukshëm po i kushton më shumë rëndësi pamjes së saj.Së fundmi, ajo është paraqitur...
Ja si mund te dukeni bukur edhe pa make up
Modified date: September 9, 2019
Çka duhet të përdorni për të pasur një fytyrë të bukur edhe pa makeup?Shumica e vajzave vendosin makeup për shkak që nuk ndihen mirë...
Nusja e Milot Rashicës sjell imazhet me të gjitha veshjet në...
Modified date: September 4, 2019
Futbollisti i Kombëtares së Kosovës, Milot Rashica po i jep fund beqarisë këtë muaj.E e fejuara Rashicës, Belkiz Kera, ditët e fundit ishte pjesë...
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